KCG-TATA - 07438 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Tue 1721 Km

Train number 07438 is named as KCG-TATA and travels 1721km distance

Train departs from station PANIPAT JN at 15:15 and reaches station NANDED at 19:30 [day 2]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
PANIPAT JN - PNP Src 15:15 0 1
NEW DELHI - NDLS 17:05 17:15 90 1
AGRA CANTT - AGC 19:35 19:40 284 1
V LAKSHMIBAIJHS - VGLJ 22:58 23:00 500 1
ITARSI JN - ET 04:15 04:20 882 2
KHANDWA - KNW 06:50 06:55 1066 2
BHUSAVAL JN - BSL 08:20 08:25 1189 2
MANMAD JN - MMR 11:10 11:15 1373 2
AURANGABAD - AWB 14:10 14:15 1485 2
JALNA - J 15:20 15:22 1547 2
PARBHANI JN - PBN 17:18 17:20 1662 2
PURNA JN - PAU 17:50 17:52 1691 2
NANDED - NED 19:30 Dstn 1721 2


KCG-TATA - 07438 covers 1721 kilometer to reach destination.
KCG-TATA - 07438 passes through 13 stations with scheduled stoppage.
KCG-TATA - 07438 arrives at destination at 19:30.
KCG-TATA - 07438 departs from source at 15:15.