DUI - BTI PASS - 54555 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 95 Km

Train number 54555 is named as DUI - BTI PASS and travels 95km distance

Train departs from station DHURI JN at 06:15 and reaches station BHATINDA JN at 08:35 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
DHURI JN - DUI Src 06:15 0 1
ALAL - ALAL 06:26 06:28 13 1
SEKHA - SEQ 06:46 06:47 21 1
BARNALA - BNN 06:55 06:57 31 1
HADIAYA - HYA 07:05 07:06 37 1
GHUNAS - GUNS 07:14 07:15 44 1
TAPA - TAPA 07:20 07:22 50 1
JETHUKE - JHK 07:29 07:30 55 1
RAMPURA PHUL - PUL 07:37 07:39 63 1
LEHRA MUHABBAT - LHM 07:47 07:48 70 1
BHUCHCHU - BCU 07:56 07:57 78 1
BHATINDA CANTT - BTIC 08:12 08:14 87 1
BHATINDA JN - BTI 08:35 Dest 95 1


DUI - BTI PASS - 54555 covers 95 kilometer to reach destination.
DUI - BTI PASS - 54555 passes through 13 stations with scheduled stoppage.
DUI - BTI PASS - 54555 arrives at destination at 08:35.
DUI - BTI PASS - 54555 departs from source at 06:15.