UMB-LDH MEMU - 64523 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 114 Km

Train number 64523 is named as UMB-LDH MEMU and travels 114km distance

Train departs from station AMBALA CANT JN at 08:30 and reaches station LUDHIANA JN at 11:05 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
AMBALA CANT JN - UMB Src 08:30 0 1
AMBALA CITY - UBC 08:39 08:41 8 1
SAMBHU - SMU 08:49 08:51 17 1
RAJPURA JN - RPJ 08:59 09:01 28 1
SARAI BANJARA - SBJ 09:09 09:10 37 1
SADHOO GARH - SDY 09:17 09:18 45 1
SIRHIND JN - SIR 09:24 09:26 53 1
GOVINDGARH - GVG 09:34 09:36 63 1
KHANNA - KNN 09:43 09:45 71 1
CHAWAPALL - CHA 09:59 10:00 82 1
DORAHA - DOA 10:13 10:14 91 1
SANAHWAL - SNL 10:25 10:26 99 1
DHANDARI KALAN - DDL 10:33 10:34 106 1
LUDHIANA JN - LDH 11:05 Dest 114 1


UMB-LDH MEMU - 64523 covers 114 kilometer to reach destination.
UMB-LDH MEMU - 64523 passes through 14 stations with scheduled stoppage.
UMB-LDH MEMU - 64523 arrives at destination at 11:05.
UMB-LDH MEMU - 64523 departs from source at 08:30.