TDU-SC MEMU - 67249 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat 113 Km

Train number 67249 is named as TDU-SC MEMU and travels 113km distance

Train departs from station TANDUR at 06:00 and reaches station SECUNDERABAD JN at 08:50 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
TANDUR - TDU Src 06:00 0 1
RUKMAPUR - RMY 06:07 06:08 11 1
DHARUR - DRR 06:14 06:15 21 1
MAILARAM - MWY 06:19 06:20 26 1
GODAMGURA - GDQ 06:29 06:30 33 1
VIKARABAD JN - VKB 06:34 06:35 41 1
CHITGIDDA - CTF 06:44 06:45 51 1
GULLAGUDA - GGD 06:54 06:55 58 1
RAVALPALLI KALAN - RPK 06:59 07:00 64 1
SHANKARPALLI - SKP 07:04 07:05 70 1
NAGALAPALLE - NPL 07:12 07:13 81 1
LINGAMPALLI - LPI 07:34 07:35 91 1
HAFIZPETA - HFZ 07:44 07:45 96 1
SANAT NAGAR - SNF 07:54 07:55 105 1
BEGAMPET - BMT 08:12 08:13 109 1
SECUNDERABAD JN - SC 08:50 Dest 113 1


TDU-SC MEMU - 67249 covers 113 kilometer to reach destination.
TDU-SC MEMU - 67249 passes through 16 stations with scheduled stoppage.
TDU-SC MEMU - 67249 arrives at destination at 08:50.
TDU-SC MEMU - 67249 departs from source at 06:00.