SBC-WFD MEMU - 66542 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 21 Km

Train number 66542 is named as SBC-WFD MEMU and travels 21km distance

Train departs from station KSR BENGALURU at 08:45 and reaches station WHITEFIELD at 09:40 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
KSR BENGALURU - SBC Src 08:45 0 1
BANGALORE CANT - BNC 08:55 08:56 4 1
BANGALORE EAST - BNCE 09:01 09:02 7 1
BAIYYAPPANAHALI - BYPL 09:07 09:08 11 1
KRISHNARAJAPURM - KJM 09:13 09:14 14 1
HOODI HALT - HDIH 09:23 09:24 18 1
WHITEFIELD - WFD 09:40 Dest 21 1


SBC-WFD MEMU - 66542 covers 21 kilometer to reach destination.
SBC-WFD MEMU - 66542 passes through 7 stations with scheduled stoppage.
SBC-WFD MEMU - 66542 arrives at destination at 09:40.
SBC-WFD MEMU - 66542 departs from source at 08:45.