PTK-JMKR PASS - 52461 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 93 Km

Train number 52461 is named as PTK-JMKR PASS and travels 93km distance

Train departs from station PATHANKOT at 17:15 and reaches station JAWLMUKHI ROAD at 21:45 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
PATHANKOT - PTK Src 17:15 0 1
DALHOGI ROAD - DLSR 17:32 17:34 10 1
KANDWAL HALT - KAWL 17:42 17:43 13 1
NURPUR ROAD - NUPR 17:56 17:58 20 1
TALARA - TLRA 18:18 18:20 29 1
BALLE DA PIR LARATH - BLDL 18:31 18:32 36 1
BHARMAR - BRMR 18:45 18:46 44 1
JAWANWALA SHAHR - JWLS 19:03 19:05 50 1
HARSAR DEHRI - HRDR 19:28 19:30 58 1
MEGH RAJ PURA - MGRP 19:56 19:57 66 1
NAGROTA SURIYAM - NGRS 20:05 20:07 70 1
BARYAL HIMACHAL - BRHL 20:17 20:18 73 1
NANDPR BHATAULI - NDBT 20:24 20:25 76 1
GULER - GULR 20:48 20:50 83 1
LUNSU HALT - LNS 21:17 21:18 86 1
TRIPAL HALT - TRPL 21:29 21:30 90 1
JAWLMUKHI ROAD - JMKR 21:45 Dest 93 1


PTK-JMKR PASS - 52461 covers 93 kilometer to reach destination.
PTK-JMKR PASS - 52461 passes through 17 stations with scheduled stoppage.
PTK-JMKR PASS - 52461 arrives at destination at 21:45.
PTK-JMKR PASS - 52461 departs from source at 17:15.