LEDO - DBRT DMU - 75907 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 102 Km

Train number 75907 is named as LEDO - DBRT DMU and travels 102km distance

Train departs from station LEDO at 17:40 and reaches station DIBRUGARH TOWN at 21:10 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
LEDO - LEDO Src 17:40 0 1
BARGOLAI - BGLI 17:46 17:48 3 1
MARGHERITA - MRG 17:56 17:58 7 1
DIGBOI - DBY 18:15 18:17 21 1
TINGRAI - TII 18:37 18:39 33 1
MAKUM JN - MJN 18:52 18:54 46 1
TINSUKIA JN - TSK 19:05 19:07 54 1
NEW TINSUKIA - NTSK 19:13 19:18 57 1
PANITOLA - PNT 19:41 19:43 65 1
CHABUA - CHB 19:54 19:56 74 1
DIKOM - DKM 20:10 20:12 83 1
LAHOAL - LHL 20:21 20:23 92 1
CHALKHOA - CKW 20:30 20:32 96 1
DIBRUGARH TOWN - DBRT 21:10 Dest 102 1


LEDO - DBRT DMU - 75907 covers 102 kilometer to reach destination.
LEDO - DBRT DMU - 75907 passes through 14 stations with scheduled stoppage.
LEDO - DBRT DMU - 75907 arrives at destination at 21:10.
LEDO - DBRT DMU - 75907 departs from source at 17:40.