KIR - TETA DEMU - 75749 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 62 Km

Train number 75749 is named as KIR - TETA DEMU and travels 62km distance

Train departs from station KATIHAR JN at 08:15 and reaches station TELTA at 10:45 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
KATIHAR JN - KIR Src 08:15 0 1
NAYATOLA - NYT 08:25 08:26 7 1
DANDKHORA - DNQ 08:32 08:33 11 1
GORPHAR - GRR 08:38 08:39 14 1
SONALLI - SI 08:45 08:47 19 1
BISHANPUR HALT - BHNP 08:55 08:56 22 1
JHAUA - JAU 09:01 09:02 25 1
MEENAPUR - MENP 09:09 09:10 28 1
SALMARI - SRI 09:16 09:18 31 1
MUKURIA - MFA 09:25 09:26 37 1
BARSOI JN - BOE 09:33 09:35 41 1
SANJAY GRAM - SJGM 09:44 09:45 49 1
SUDHANI - SUD 09:51 09:52 53 1
AJHARAIL - AHL 09:58 09:59 57 1
TELTA - TETA 10:45 Dest 62 1


KIR - TETA DEMU - 75749 covers 62 kilometer to reach destination.
KIR - TETA DEMU - 75749 passes through 15 stations with scheduled stoppage.
KIR - TETA DEMU - 75749 arrives at destination at 10:45.
KIR - TETA DEMU - 75749 departs from source at 08:15.