BZU- CWA PASSENGER - 59395 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 138 Km

Train number 59395 is named as BZU- CWA PASSENGER and travels 138km distance

Train departs from station BETUL at 13:35 and reaches station CHHINDWARA JN at 20:00 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
BETUL - BZU Src 13:35 0 1
MALKAPUR ROAD - MALK 13:42 13:43 6 1
BARSALI - BYS 14:04 14:05 13 1
AMLA JN - AMLA 14:55 16:30 23 1
JAMBARA - JMV 16:48 16:49 37 1
BORDHAL - BXY 17:06 17:07 50 1
NAWAGAON - NVG 17:29 17:30 66 1
HIRDAGARH - HRG 17:48 17:49 80 1
JUNNOR DEO - JNO 18:03 18:04 90 1
PALACHAURI - PCLI 18:16 18:17 99 1
IKLEHRA - IKR 18:23 18:25 103 1
PARASIA - PUX 18:43 18:45 109 1
CHHINDWARA JN - CWA 20:00 Dest 138 1


BZU- CWA PASSENGER - 59395 covers 138 kilometer to reach destination.
BZU- CWA PASSENGER - 59395 passes through 13 stations with scheduled stoppage.
BZU- CWA PASSENGER - 59395 arrives at destination at 20:00.
BZU- CWA PASSENGER - 59395 departs from source at 13:35.