BTI - FZR PASS. - 54561 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 87 Km

Train number 54561 is named as BTI - FZR PASS. and travels 87km distance

Train departs from station BHATINDA JN at 06:50 and reaches station FIROZPUR CANT at 08:55 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
BHATINDA JN - BTI Src 06:50 0 1
GONEANA - GNA 07:01 07:03 12 1
CHAND BHAN - CBX 07:11 07:12 19 1
GANGSAR JAITU - GJUT 07:18 07:20 26 1
AJITGILL MATTA - AJTM 07:26 07:27 30 1
RMNA ALBEL SNGH - RLS 07:32 07:33 34 1
KOT KAPURA - KKP 07:43 07:46 42 1
GZ SANDHWAN - GZS 07:51 07:52 47 1
FARIDKOT - FDK 08:00 08:02 55 1
PPLI PKHI KALAN - PKZ 08:10 08:11 61 1
GOLEHWALA - GHA 08:18 08:19 68 1
KASU BEGU - KBU 08:29 08:30 78 1
FIROZPUR CANT - FZR 08:55 Dest 87 1


BTI - FZR PASS. - 54561 covers 87 kilometer to reach destination.
BTI - FZR PASS. - 54561 passes through 13 stations with scheduled stoppage.
BTI - FZR PASS. - 54561 arrives at destination at 08:55.
BTI - FZR PASS. - 54561 departs from source at 06:50.