BSR - PNVL MEMU - 69166 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 66 Km

Train number 69166 is named as BSR - PNVL MEMU and travels 66km distance

Train departs from station VASAI ROAD at 16:45 and reaches station PANVEL at 18:25 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
VASAI ROAD - BSR Src 16:45 0 1
JUCHANDRA - JCNR 16:51 16:52 4 1
KAMAN ROAD - KARD 16:57 16:58 11 1
KHARBAO - KHBV 17:05 17:06 19 1
BHIWANDI ROAD - BIRD 17:17 17:18 27 1
DATIVLI CABIN - DTVL 17:44 17:45 42 1
NILAJE - NIIJ 17:51 17:52 45 1
TALOJA PANCHAND - TPND 18:01 18:02 55 1
NAVADE ROAD - NVRD 18:06 18:07 58 1
KALAMBOLI GOODS - KLMG 18:10 18:11 60 1
PANVEL - PNVL 18:25 Dest 66 1


BSR - PNVL MEMU - 69166 covers 66 kilometer to reach destination.
BSR - PNVL MEMU - 69166 passes through 11 stations with scheduled stoppage.
BSR - PNVL MEMU - 69166 arrives at destination at 18:25.
BSR - PNVL MEMU - 69166 departs from source at 16:45.