ASR-PTKPASS - 54613 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 107 Km

Train number 54613 is named as ASR-PTKPASS and travels 107km distance

Train departs from station AMRITSAR JN at 06:45 and reaches station PATHANKOT at 09:45 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
AMRITSAR JN - ASR Src 06:45 0 1
VERKA JN - VKA 06:55 06:57 8 1
KATHUNANGAL - KNG 07:07 07:09 19 1
JAINTIPURA - JNT 07:22 07:24 28 1
BATALA JN - BAT 07:36 07:38 39 1
BATALA SUGAR ML - BATM 07:43 07:44 44 1
CHHINA - CHN 07:53 07:55 50 1
DHARIWAL - DHW 08:11 08:13 58 1
SOHAL - SOHL 08:19 08:20 61 1
JHAWAR - JHWR 08:26 08:27 66 1
GURDASPUR - GSP 08:33 08:35 71 1
DINA NAGAR - DNN 08:46 08:48 83 1
PARNA NAND - PMQ 08:55 08:56 88 1
JAKOLARI - JK 09:03 09:05 95 1
SARNA - SRM 09:11 09:13 100 1
BHAROLI JN - BHRL 09:20 09:22 104 1
PATHANKOT - PTK 09:45 Dest 107 1


ASR-PTKPASS - 54613 covers 107 kilometer to reach destination.
ASR-PTKPASS - 54613 passes through 17 stations with scheduled stoppage.
ASR-PTKPASS - 54613 arrives at destination at 09:45.
ASR-PTKPASS - 54613 departs from source at 06:45.