ANND BHARUCH MEMU - 69176 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 106 Km

Train number 69176 is named as ANND BHARUCH MEMU and travels 106km distance

Train departs from station ANAND JN at 17:45 and reaches station BHARUCH JN at 20:40 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
ANAND JN - ANND Src 17:45 0 1
VADOD - VXD 17:54 17:55 7 1
ADAS ROAD - ADD 18:00 18:01 11 1
VASAD JN - VDA 18:07 18:08 16 1
NANDESARI - NDR 18:14 18:15 21 1
RANOLI - RNO 18:19 18:20 23 1
BAJVA - BJW 18:31 18:32 28 1
VADODARA JN - BRC 18:56 19:01 36 1
VISHVAMITRI JN - VS 19:06 19:07 39 1
MAKAR PURA - MPR 19:13 19:14 44 1
VARNAMA - VRM 19:20 19:21 50 1
ITOLA - ITA 19:25 19:26 54 1
KASHIPURA SARAR - KSPR 19:30 19:31 58 1
MIYAGAM KARJAN - MYG 19:43 19:44 65 1
LAKODARA - LKD 19:50 19:51 74 1
PALEJ - PLJ 19:58 19:59 81 1
VAREDIYA - VRE 20:05 20:06 87 1
NABIPUR - NIU 20:13 20:14 94 1
CHAVAJ - CVJ 20:20 20:21 100 1
BHARUCH JN - BH 20:40 Dest 106 1


ANND BHARUCH MEMU - 69176 covers 106 kilometer to reach destination.
ANND BHARUCH MEMU - 69176 passes through 20 stations with scheduled stoppage.
ANND BHARUCH MEMU - 69176 arrives at destination at 20:40.
ANND BHARUCH MEMU - 69176 departs from source at 17:45.