ANDOLAN LOCAL - 37305 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 33 Km

Train number 37305 is named as ANDOLAN LOCAL and travels 33km distance

Train departs from station HOWRAH JN at 19:15 and reaches station SINGUR at 20:17 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
HOWRAH JN - HWH Src 19:15 0 1
LILUAH - LLH 19:22 19:23 5 1
BELUR - BEQ 19:25 19:26 7 1
BALLY - BLY 19:28 19:29 9 1
UTTARPARA - UPA 19:32 19:33 10 1
HIND MOTOR - HMZ 19:34 19:35 12 1
KONNAGAR - KOG 19:37 19:38 14 1
RISHRA - RIS 19:40 19:41 16 1
SERAMPORE - SRP 19:47 19:48 20 1
SEORAPHULI - SHE 19:58 20:00 22 1
DIARA - DEA 20:06 20:07 28 1
NASIBPUR - NSF 20:09 20:10 30 1
SINGUR - SIU 20:17 Dest 33 1


ANDOLAN LOCAL - 37305 covers 33 kilometer to reach destination.
ANDOLAN LOCAL - 37305 passes through 13 stations with scheduled stoppage.
ANDOLAN LOCAL - 37305 arrives at destination at 20:17.
ANDOLAN LOCAL - 37305 departs from source at 19:15.