PASS - 77235 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 37 Km

Train number 77235 is named as PASS and travels 37km distance

Train departs from station GUDIVADA JN at 15:25 and reaches station MACHELIPATNAM at 16:40 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
GUDIVADA JN - GDV Src 15:25 0 1
NUJELLA - NUJ 15:32 15:33 6 1
GUDLAVALLERU - GVL 15:37 15:38 11 1
KAVUTARAM - KVM 15:42 15:43 14 1
VADLAMANNADU - VMD 15:48 15:49 19 1
PEDANA - PAV 15:54 15:55 26 1
CHILAKALAPUDI - CLU 16:01 16:02 32 1
MACHELIPATNAM - MTM 16:40 Dest 37 1


PASS - 77235 covers 37 kilometer to reach destination.
PASS - 77235 passes through 8 stations with scheduled stoppage.
PASS - 77235 arrives at destination at 16:40.
PASS - 77235 departs from source at 15:25.