KIR - JBN DEMU - 75753 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 108 Km

Train number 75753 is named as KIR - JBN DEMU and travels 108km distance

Train departs from station KATIHAR JN at 06:45 and reaches station JOGBANI at 09:40 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
KATIHAR JN - KIR Src 06:45 0 1
DALAN - DLF 06:55 06:56 6 1
RAUTARA - RWA 07:04 07:05 14 1
RANIPATRA - RNX 07:13 07:14 21 1
PURNIA JN - PRNA 07:23 07:25 28 1
KASBA - KUB 07:33 07:35 36 1
GARH BANAILI - GBN 07:41 07:42 41 1
JALARGARH - JAG 07:49 07:51 46 1
SATAR HALT D - SATR 07:58 07:59 52 1
KUSIARGAON - KSY 08:07 08:09 58 1
ARARIYA COURT - ARQ 08:17 08:19 66 1
ARARIYA - ARR 08:25 08:27 70 1
HALDITA BIHAR - HOD 08:34 08:35 77 1
SIMRAHA - SMH 08:42 08:44 81 1
GOGIPOTHIA HALT - GPE 08:50 08:51 86 1
DHOLBAJA - DLZ 08:56 08:57 89 1
FORBESGANJ - FBG 09:04 09:06 95 1
BATHNAHA - BTF 09:13 09:14 101 1
JOGBANI - JBN 09:40 Dest 108 1


KIR - JBN DEMU - 75753 covers 108 kilometer to reach destination.
KIR - JBN DEMU - 75753 passes through 19 stations with scheduled stoppage.
KIR - JBN DEMU - 75753 arrives at destination at 09:40.
KIR - JBN DEMU - 75753 departs from source at 06:45.