ANND-GNC MEMU - 69191 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 97 Km

Train number 69191 is named as ANND-GNC MEMU and travels 97km distance

Train departs from station ANAND JN at 18:10 and reaches station GANDHINAGAR CAP at 21:25 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
ANAND JN - ANND Src 18:10 0 1
KANJARI BORIYAV - KBRV 18:17 18:18 8 1
UTARSANDA - UTD 18:26 18:27 13 1
NADIAD JN - ND 18:43 18:44 18 1
GOTHAJ - GTE 18:52 18:53 28 1
MHMDVD KHEDA RD - MHD 19:00 19:01 36 1
NENPUR - NEP 19:05 19:06 40 1
KANIL - KANJ 19:10 19:11 43 1
BAREJADI - BJD 19:16 19:17 47 1
GERATPUR - GER 19:29 19:30 51 1
VATVA - VTA 19:34 19:35 56 1
MANINAGAR - MAN 19:40 19:41 61 1
AHMEDABAD JN - ADI 20:05 20:15 64 1
SABARMATI JN - SBT 20:26 20:28 69 1
CHANDLODIYA - CLDY 20:40 20:42 75 1
KHODIYAR - KHDB 20:58 21:00 84 1
GANDHINAGAR CAP - GNC 21:25 Dest 97 1


ANND-GNC MEMU - 69191 covers 97 kilometer to reach destination.
ANND-GNC MEMU - 69191 passes through 17 stations with scheduled stoppage.
ANND-GNC MEMU - 69191 arrives at destination at 21:25.
ANND-GNC MEMU - 69191 departs from source at 18:10.