SML-KLK HSP SPL - 52444 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 96 Km

Train number 52444 is named as SML-KLK HSP SPL and travels 96km distance

Train departs from station SIMLA at 09:20 and reaches station KALKA at 15:50 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
SIMLA - SML Src 09:20 0 1
SUMMER HILL - SHZ 09:27 09:29 3 1
JUTOGH - JTO 09:51 09:53 6 1
TARADEVI - TVI 10:30 10:32 11 1
SHOGHI - SGS 10:58 11:00 18 1
KANDAGHAT - KDZ 11:56 11:58 37 1
SALOGRA - SLR 12:16 12:17 43 1
SOLAN - SOL 12:36 12:37 49 1
BAROG - BOF 12:46 12:53 53 1
DHARMPUR HMCHL - DMP 13:34 13:36 63 1
SONWARA - SWO 14:03 14:05 69 1
KALKA - KLK 15:50 Dest 96 1


SML-KLK HSP SPL - 52444 covers 96 kilometer to reach destination.
SML-KLK HSP SPL - 52444 passes through 12 stations with scheduled stoppage.
SML-KLK HSP SPL - 52444 arrives at destination at 15:50.
SML-KLK HSP SPL - 52444 departs from source at 09:20.