BUW-SPC PASSENGER - 55037 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 103 Km

Train number 55037 is named as BUW-SPC PASSENGER and travels 103km distance

Train departs from station BURHWAL at 19:00 and reaches station SITAPUR CITY at 22:00 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
BURHWAL - BUW Src 19:00 0 1
SUNDHIAMAU - SDAM 19:11 19:12 11 1
TAHSIL FATEHPUR - TSF 19:22 19:23 22 1
PAINTEPUR - PPE 19:31 19:33 32 1
MUNDA GOPAL ASH - MGPA 19:38 19:39 35 1
MAHMUDABAD AVDH - MMB 19:43 19:45 39 1
BABUPUR - BBPR 19:54 19:55 46 1
SARAYAN - SYU 20:00 20:02 51 1
SHANKARPUR - SKLP 20:10 20:11 58 1
BISWAN - BVN 20:20 20:22 65 1
RAMAIPUR - RAMR 20:31 20:33 75 1
PARSENDI - PSN 20:40 20:42 83 1
TAPPAKHAJURIA - TKUR 20:49 20:51 89 1
SITAPUR - STP 21:15 21:25 99 1
SITAPUR KUTHCERY HAL - STRK 21:32 21:33 100 1
SITAPUR CITY - SPC 22:00 Dest 103 1


BUW-SPC PASSENGER - 55037 covers 103 kilometer to reach destination.
BUW-SPC PASSENGER - 55037 passes through 16 stations with scheduled stoppage.
BUW-SPC PASSENGER - 55037 arrives at destination at 22:00.
BUW-SPC PASSENGER - 55037 departs from source at 19:00.