SSA Railway Station Information and Trains for SSA

सिरसा - SSA

897 male/female It has an average elevation of 205 metres (672 foot (length)).

As of 2011 Indian Census, Sirsa had a total population of 182,534, of which 96,175 were males and 86,359 were females. Population within the age group of 0 to 6 years was 20,825. The total number of literates in Sirsa was 131,570, which constituted 72.1% of the population with male literacy of 76.0% and female literacy of 67.7%. The effective literacy rate of 7+ population of Sirsa was 81.4%, of which male literacy rate was 86.2% and female literacy rate was 76.0%. The Scheduled Castes population was 39,208. Sirsa had 36191 households in 2011.

, Jagdish Nehra - former Education and Irrigation Minister, Sunil Grover - comedian and actor, Barinder Sran - cricketer, Rupinder Handa - singer, Satwant Kaur - actress, Jaswinder Brar - folk singer, Hari Singh Dilbar - poet, Arjun Singh Gurjar

Sirsa has an air base of Indian Air Force named Sirsa Air Force Station.