DBD रेलवे स्टेशन की जानकारी और DBD से ट्रेनें

देवबंद - DBD

Urdu The Deobandi Islamic movement originated in the Darul Uloom.

Deoband is located at . It has an average elevation of .

Deoband has a population of 97,037 of which 53,538 are males while 43,499 are females as per the report released by Census India 2011. The population of children aged 0-6 is 12,200 which is 12.57% of the total population. The sex ratio is 812 females per 1000 males against the state average of 912. The child sex ratio in Deoband is around 917 compared to the Uttar Pradesh state average of 902. The literacy rate is 75.23%, higher than the state average of 67.68% with male literacy of 79.59% and the female literacy rate is 69.77%. Out of the total population, 24,559 were engaged in work

business activity. Of this, 22,551 were males while 2,008 were females and 89.91% were engaged in main work.

Deoband Nagar Palika Parishad has a total administration over 15,630 houses to which it supplies basic amenities like water and sewage. It is also authorized to build roads within Nagar Palika Parishad limits and impose taxes on properties coming under its jurisdiction.