BRK-MLN PASSENGER - 52253 Train Time Table, Train Route and Schedule Enquiry

Daily 127 Km

Train number 52253 is named as BRK-MLN PASSENGER and travels 127km distance

Train departs from station BAHRAICH at 13:00 and reaches station TIKUNIA at 17:50 [day 1]

Station Time of Arrival Time of Departure Dist. (Km) Day
BAHRAICH - BRK Src 13:00 0 1
RISIA - RS 13:19 13:21 13 1
MATERA - MT 13:43 13:45 25 1
NANPARA JN - NNP 14:15 14:25 35 1
RAIBOJHA - RBJ 14:48 14:50 47 1
GAIGHAT HALT - GIHT 15:00 15:01 53 1
MIHINPURWA - MIN 15:15 15:17 59 1
KAKRAHA RST HSE - KARH 15:41 15:42 69 1
MURTHIHA - MUH 15:58 16:00 80 1
NISHANGARA - NSA 16:12 16:14 88 1
BICHIA - BIC 16:32 16:34 98 1
MANJHRA PURAB - MJPB 16:59 17:01 112 1
KHAIRATIYA BH R - KYBR 17:17 17:18 120 1
TIKUNIA - TQN 17:50 Dest 127 1


BRK-MLN PASSENGER - 52253 covers 127 kilometer to reach destination.
BRK-MLN PASSENGER - 52253 passes through 14 stations with scheduled stoppage.
BRK-MLN PASSENGER - 52253 arrives at destination at 17:50.
BRK-MLN PASSENGER - 52253 departs from source at 13:00.